Thursday, July 30, 2009

Tracking video's

One question that should be asked is what or why the videos need to be tracked. If you are looking to simply deliver the videos so that they can be viewed, a SCORM or AICC wrapper is not necessary. If, however, the course creator is interested in tracking who has viewed the content (or simply who has launched it), or, better, how much people understood from the content, then a SCORM or AICC will be useful. One suggestion with video is that the video segments be broken up in to portions that are between around two minutes long. We have done studies and have found that people will remember 10 two minute videos better then one 20 minute video. A good way to reinforce video is to ask a test question at the end of each two minute video. The ReadyGo Web Course Builder ($499/developer) can be used to assemble the videos so that they can be tracked by SCORM.