Monday, September 10, 2007

Views on Face-to-Face (F2F) videos:

If your objective is to tape the face-to-face (F2F) presentations, and then deliver these as "eLearning", you will be quite disappointed in the results when it comes to learner retention. Although many people believe it to be "active" and "animated", video training is an extremely passive form of training, and results in very low knowledge retention. Further, people can read and ingest information about 3 times as quickly as is spoken. This means that unless the presenter is attractive, professional, and smooth, the viewers will quickly disengage. We have seen that videos that last more than about 2 minutes are abandoned quickly - this is even true for YouTube. Our customers have told us that they have also seen this behavior, and have found lower student satisfaction with video based courses than with simple text-and-picture based courses. We have also seen that because videos require plug-ins, many learners are unable to see them. An IT person usually has to be dispatched to install the plug-in software. By the time the learner then gets around to seeing the video, it can be 3 or 4 days later; by which time, they have lost interest in the courseware.

If you want to offer your employees self-paced training, consider creating more web-like content. This means that the content has tables of contents so that the student can establish their own navigation path that takes them to the material of interest. This becomes very "active" learning because the student is in control of the experience. If you provide them a self-propelled presentation or a linear slide show, you take control away from the learner. This usually results in the learner losing interest in the content.

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